
Thursday, June 30, 2011

So here the answer for your question!BITCH!!!!

My anooooying chef ask me.So Kau lebih penting kan Skate dari kerja kau.? So here the answer you fucking moron.! I wish i can answer this shit to your face.

My ANSWER IS YES!!!!So whatafuck you want to ask about my life.? I'm a lazy boy.?YES I AM.But I'm not like you la.I went late to cafe but at least I come to the cafe and i'm already do the best.I may miss 2 or 3 things to be done but i never like you.MC shit or whatever.So if you wanna talk shit or change me...Change your self first la.!!!Itu x kene,Ini x kene.Kau je kerja x betul pastu nak kecoh satu dunie itu la ini la.Ape lancau laa..Pastu kau masuk je cafe tu dah mule kau nak gaduh sane nak gado sini.Bodo punye pengkid.So kau x payah nak sibuk social life or whatever shit bout me ok.??!! Memang la aku kerja x betul sebab semue benda kau letak kat aku.Aku kerja sorang pulak.Memang X la aku nak buat semua kerja,Kau yang patut buat sebab kau CHEF.Tapi sayang kau CHEF x betul.Buat kerja pon kelam kabot.Sibuk hal orang.Come on la.Kau dah tua,just do your thing.Jangan sibuk hal orang.Kenapa staff ni bercinta ngan orang ni,kenape kau malas,kenape kau lambat,kenape kau blablabla ini kau x perlu tanye kat kiteorg.Tanye diri kau dulu.

So bout my skate,this is my answer!

Some skateboarder are not from a rich/good family.Some of them have to work to earn some money for their life and for the most thing they loved;skateboard.Anything can happen in skateboarding either you broke your arm,been kicked out by security guard,the spot where we skated yesterday not longer can be skate.

Skateboarding its not bout getting sponsored or getting money from it,its bout fun doing the thing that we all love.When our feet on the board its bout the fun,happy with our friends and statisation landed a trick.But sometime skateboarding can be hard on us,but the most important is we have pushing forward not matter what happen.

Why we pushing so hard on this.?Well its bout a things we love to do.Making new friends along the way and the most important is we being ourself.No matter how hard we fall,we get up and skate again.That skateboarding!

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