
Thursday, August 25, 2011

Memohon maaf.

So 5 more days until Eid.Everybody was busy with shopping etc.Its gonna be different i'll be raya in KL.AGAIN.But its ok la.Have to work.I hope you guys will be happy this year and keep smiling and kumpul duit raya banyak2 tau.Make sure dont play mercun,nnty hilang jari.hehe.Have fun

Di sini saya Mohamad Shafiq Mohd Sani menyusun 10 jari memohon kemaafan,zahir dan batin,kalau ader yg kurang halalkan kalau ader terngumpat or whatever maafkan,kadang mulut saya mmg lancang, maafkan.Kalau dulu kita x boleh senyum,senyum2 kan la.Ok.? 0 - 0

Monday, August 8, 2011


Owh ok aku x tahu la bila start FIXIE nie kat Malaysia,sebab aku x pernah nak amik kesah and aku x heran pon dgn FIXIE ni.Aku x ingat last year or this year i ader la nampak some dudes ride FIXIE kat KLCC park tu,I was like oh whats that.Owh ok.Tiba-tiba BOOOMM!!! FIXIE jadi trend.Psst Mase tu aku dah start x suka,bila nampak budak2 FIXIE aku mcm wattafuck.wattafuck.HAHAHA.

But one day,masa on the way nak ke bustop aku ride la skate aku,ride je la buat bodo.Aku dalam dunia sendiri , tetiba ada pulak budak2 baru nak up menyalak sambil ride FIXIE dorang tu."Woi apa barang nak skate *sambil buat tricks2 dorang or whatever shit it is, Buat penat je naik skate" .See they start the war, Start dari situ aku jadi offensive.Asal aku nampak basikal colour2 aku terus maki hamun.

Budak fixie yang baru nak up ni macam sakai pulak aku tengok kan,Ok dulu park yg kat KLCC tu penuh dgn skaters,bmx and inline.Kiteorg ok je boleh bertegur borak2 gelak2.Sampai budak2 fixie datang fuh buat muka kerek konon hot naik FIXSHIT,Pale butoh!Pastu menyemak pulak kat park tu aku nak main skate pon susah.Yeah aku admit ader yg ok.Senyum and siap tanye "bro nak main kat sini boleh.?" Yang baru2 nak up ni buat aku benci.euuww!!

Ok habis cerita kat KLCC,nie kat skatepark pon ader jugak.Wattafuck!!! Dah macam bodo pulak korang menyemak kat situ kan.Dayum.Kat situ orang nak skate or whatever kat situ jugak kau nak menyemak.Get a life la LOSER.

End of story!Suka hati korang nak cakap ape pun.Nak cakap aku ni suke judge orang ke ape.Aku x kesah.Ni blog aku so aku boleh tulis ape yang aku suka :)

p/s - Aku still respect dudes yg ride FIXIE ni sebab hati dorang kat situ bukan sebab trend.So keep ride and kill the posers.Ok.? No offence.

-truly capix

Sunday, August 7, 2011

A good Saturday

Yesterday was a good day.I wish everyday was like yesterday.I woke up around 1pm.First thing i checked of course Facebook and Twitter la.And Someone blog.Let it be a secret ;p.

Went to KLCC.So Amer was picked me up around 3pm since Ehsan called me,he was at the park already. Amer was parked his car inside Mandarin Hotel.I was waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa (first time masuk hotel mahal)Dayum nice la the hotel.Done with that.hahaha. So we walked to the park and guess what no one there.Dayum.Ehsan and Tajul was around the Time Square. After 15 minutes Ehsan and Tajul arrived with Fatin and Effa.And Some dudes came to there too.Afro,Abg Nizam,My girlfriend,Faiz,Alif and Daus.

After tired skating we just talked and laughed together while waiting berbuka time.Hahahaha my stomach already exploded i think and I wish Abg Nizam can join the Raja Lawak.HAHAHA.Around 7pm everybody walked to NZ Garden. I thought we already late since NZ always full with people,well i'm wrong.HAHAHA.Me eating Char Kueh Tiaw and my girl eating Nasi Goreng USA.After the we all going back to the park and skate for a while and went back to home.

I went back to home just take a short shower and going to work.HAHAHA.After that sleeping.

*sorry guys i wish i can bring my camera everywhere and share with you guys.

-truly capik

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Gatorade skate Go All Day.

Hey guys.PLEASSE watch the video :)

Truly, i watch this video everyday.This video will give me a inspiration to day my day. Not only in skating, also in video and photography.I feel so alive after i watch this shit.Good video good song good skaters good view good everything la :)

It shows that you should try and keep try and keep try and don't give up.Owh yeah you should do your things together with your friends.Have fun with friends. :) that's should bright up your day :)

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

1st day was good

Hey guys, :) watcha doing.?everything was good..? i'm doing good now. :) happy a lil bit.How's your first day.? Mesti best kan.Ade yang berbuka dgn family dgn kawan sorang2 pon ader.:)

My first day was good ;p yela bagn tido pkl 4 then online pastu pkl 7 pegi kerja.Mase on the way nak ke cafe tu kiteorg singgah la kejap kat Bazar tu..punye la penuh.FUHHH.nak beli air tebu x dpat.Sedih hati den tau.Last2 kiteorg beli je la air bandung cincau dgn air asam kot.ape tah. :) Then sampai cafe i cook chicken chop for me and eto and eto was cooking kuehtiaw for manager and other staff. :) Tapi masakan Ummi mmg aku x boleh tinggal la :) aku siap bawak bekal ok ke cafe.hahaha. :P

Walaupun x dapat berbuka dgn family but still i had a good time berbuka with my friends here :)

Owh yeah.One more.I've been stabbed from back.My chef. :| She talking shit bout me and eto bcoz entah la. haish. Come on la get a life,you the one who bring this shit and stop blaming someone else.Just clean your own shit ok.?Dont ever bother what other people are doing or not.Just do your thing and respect us and you'll get your respect back. :)

-truly capik